Course Syllabus
Syllabus: MGT 124-2 Small Business Management (Online with Zoom)
Course Information
Course Title: Small Business Management
(Online w/Zoom &/or JM02)
Course Prefix/Number: MGT 124-2
Semester: Spring 2023
Class Days/Times: M W F 12 Noon – 12:50 PM
Instructor Information
Name: James A Yostrum CPA/CMA/GCMA
Office location: San Carlos Apache College
Office hours: Monday 9:30AM – 11:30AM & 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM & Wednesday 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Course Description
Analysis of the practical problems of organizing, managing and starting a small business. Includes introduction and overview, selecting employees, forms of ownership, managing the business, business plan, pricing, managing cash flow, creating sales forecast, income statements, breakeven analysis, and sources of funds, international operations, contracts, risk, and international opportunities.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to discuss the world of small business as it exists in manufacturing, retailing, wholesaling, construction and other fields. They should identify the challenges facing Small Business’ including regulatory compliance, employee relations, development of a written business plan, cash flow forecasting, financial statement preparations, tax filings, ownership issues, mergers and acquisitions. At completion the student should be able to:
- Construct a workable Business plan that includes marketing, financial and operating sections.
- Describe marketing strategies and alternative promotion options that enhance a small business’ competitive edge.
- Explain the principles of management and their application to the small business.
- Identify various risk management strategies important to small business.
Course Structure
The course will introduce students to the managerial accounting concepts through instructor lectures, power point presentations and class discussions. The student will learn through an interactive approach including participation in problem solving. Students should attend all class periods and be prepared by reading assigned class materials and completing assigned homework problems.
Course Learning Materials and Textbook Information
Textbook: OpenStax Entrepreneurship, by Michael Laverty and Chris Little.
- Access the textbook and associated resources at:
- ISBN: 978-1-947172-69-2
Important Dates:
See Canvas for all Assignments
Evaluations and Grading & Assignments:
Homework -12 assignments (50 points) points: 600
Class Participation (100 Points) points: 100
Class Project (100 Points) points:100
90 and above is an A
80 - 89 is a B
70 - 79 is a C
60 - 69 is a D
Under 60 is Failing
Your grade will be determined by the following:
Your grade will be determined by the accumulation of points earned through the completion the required assignments in a timely manner via Canvas.
Keys for student success
The material in this course is cumulative, each topic builds upon the previous topic, it is very important that students stay current to understand the material covered before moving on to the next topic. The course is fast-paced; therefore, it is imperative that students do not fall behind. This requires completing the reading and homework assignments prior to class.
Course Feedback:
All assignments will be graded and returned to the students promptly, typically within a week after the assignment is closed for handing in. Email and phone messages will be returned within two days. A student or the instructor may request a student conference at any time during the semester. Quarterly grade reports will be provided to each student, either in person, by email or via the electronic system of Canvas.
Apache Cultural Component
San Carlos Apache College is in the process of developing culturally relevant curriculum and coursework in Apache history, culture, and language. Student and community feedback will guide this process. All SCAC instructors will find ways to incorporate culturally relevant topics and materials into their courses as appropriate.
Policies and Expectations
Attendance Policy
You are expected to arrive to Zoom class on time and be prepared to participate in each class period. Which means, students:
- need to be in front of a computer (no phones).
- camera and microphone are required to be on.
- faces need to be visible.
Course Syllabus DISCLAIMER: This syllabus is designed to evolve and change throughout the semester based on class progress and interests. You will be notified of any changes as they occur. You may request to be excused from class for religious observances and practices, for illness, for school or work-related travel or for personal or family emergency. If you will be absent, please notify the instructor as soon as possible.
Academic Integrity:
Violations of scholastic ethics are considered serious offenses by San Carlos Apache College. Students may consult the SCAC Student Handbook sections on student code of conduct, on scholastic ethics and on the grade appeal procedure.
All work done for this class must be your own, or the original work of your group. While you may discuss assignments with other class members, the final written project must clearly be original. You may use work from books and other materials if it is properly cited.
Incomplete Policy
Incomplete (I) grades are not awarded automatically. The student must request an "I" from the instructor who can choose to award an Incomplete only if all three of the following conditions are met:
- The student must be in in compliance with the attendance policy.
- The student must have unavoidable circumstance that would prohibit the student from completing the course.
- The student must have completed over 75% of the course requirements with at least a “C” grade.
Incompletes are not a substitute for incomplete work due to frequent absences or poor academic performance. Incomplete grades that are not made up by the end of the ninth week of the following semester will be automatically changed to an F if the agreed upon work, as stipulated on the written form signed by the instructor and the student when the I grade is awarded, is not completed.
Instructor Withdrawals
Students who have missed four consecutive classes (or the equivalent) not submitted any assignments nor taken any quizzes by the 45th day census report, due on [date of 45th day found in Academic Calendar on SCAC website] are assumed NOT to be participating in the class and may be withdrawn at the faculty member’s discretion. [faculty members should be clear in their withdraw policy, if you do not withdraw students please note in appropriate sections].
Student Withdrawals
Students may withdraw from class at any time during the first 2/3 of the semester without instructor permission and without incurring any grade penalty. Please be sure to withdraw yourself by [withdrawal deadline date found in Academic
Calendar on SCAC website] if you do not expect to complete the class, otherwise you may receive an "F" grade.
Special Withdrawals (Y) Grade
The “Y” grade is an administrative withdrawal given at the instructor’s option when no other grade is deemed appropriate. Your instructor must file a form stating the specific rationale for awarding this grade. “Y” grades are discouraged since they often affect students negatively. Your instructor will not award a "Y" grade without a strong reason.
Equal Access Statement/Disability Accommodations
San Carlos Apache College seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. The College will comply with all applicable regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to ensure an equal educational opportunity. This process includes self-identifying as a student with a disability, providing supporting documentation of their disability, and being approved for services through the Disability Resources Office (DRO).It is the student's responsibility to make known to their instructor(s) the student’s specific needs within the context of each class in order to receive appropriate accommodations. We will work together in order to develop an accommodation plan specifically designed to meet the individual student's requirements.
Title IX
San Carlos Apache College encourages each student to have the knowledge and skills to be an active bystander who intervenes when anyone is observed or being harassed or endangered by sexual violence. Sexual discrimination and sexual violence can undermine students’ academic success and quality of life on campus and beyond. We encourage students who have experienced or witnessed any form of sexual misconduct to talk about their experience and seek the support they need.
Conduct: Bias, Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment
San Carlos Apache College faculty and staff are dedicated to creating a safe and supportive campus environment as a core value. Harassment based on age, class, color, culture, disability and ability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, immigration status, marital status, political ideology, race, religion/spirituality, sex, sexual orientation, and tribal sovereign status will not be tolerated.
Classroom Behavior
- Possession of drugs, alcohol or firearms on college property is illegal.
- Cameras are REQUIRED to be turned on during class, this is an interactive online class that requires class participation.
- If your zoom screen is black or just has a photo, you will be marked absent.
- Cellphones should be turned off during class, unless the instructor is allowing students to use their tools (calculator, internet access).
- No accessing social media during class, no pictures taken, or videos made of Instructors/fellow students, posted on any type of social media, at any time.
- Students creating disturbances that interfere with the conduct of the class or the learning of others will be asked to leave.
- Student behavior is also detailed in student handbook under Student Code of Conduct Violations
- No visitors are allowed, thus meaning people in the background, or sitting beside you while class is in session.
Make-up policy:
Late assignments that can be made up will be accepted but will be penalized 10% for each week (7 days) late. At the instructor’s discretion, extra credit opportunities and optional activities may be provided.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |