Course Syllabus

Bürogebäude - office building

Course Description:

A survey in business providing a multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society, economic systems, legal, international, political, financial institutions, and human behavior interact to affect a business organization’s policy and practices within the U.S. and a global society.  Demonstrates how these influences impact the primary areas of business including: organizational structure and design; leadership, human resource management, organized labor practices; marketing; organizational communication; technology; entrepreneurship; legal, accounting, financial practices; the stock and securities market; and therefore affect a business’ ability to achieve its organizational goals.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast the roles, relationships and effects of small and large businesses on society and the environment.
  • Assess local, national and global regulatory and competitive environments and develop operational strategies.
  • Compare start-up and growth strategies for management of human, financial and operational resources.

Course Content:

  1. Foundations of American Business
  2. Forms of Business Enterprise
  3. Ethical and Social Responsibilities of Business
  4. Economic Foundations
  5. International Business
  6. Management, Leadership, and Motivation
  7. Production and Operations Management
  8. Human Resource Management
  9. Marketing and Consumer Behavior
  10. E-Business and Information Technology
  11. Accounting
  12. Financial Management
  13. Securities Markets and the Financial System
  14. Business Law
  15. Risk Management and Insurance


Great newsyour textbook for this class is available for free online!

Introduction to Business from OpenStax, ISBN-10: 1-947172-55-7

You have several options to obtain this book:

You can use whichever formats you want. Web view is recommended -- the responsive design works seamlessly on any device.


Important Notes:[INSTRUCTORS: Insert important notes.]

  • All first week assignments need to be completed and submitted by the due date to avoid possibly being dropped from the class.
  • Any student needing accommodations should inform the instructor. Students with disabilities who may need accommodations for this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) early so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. All information will remain confidential.
  • Academic dishonesty and plagiarism will result in a failing grade on the assignment. Using someone else's ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as our own, either on purpose or through carelessness, is a serious offense known as plagiarism. Please see the TOCC handbook for policies regarding plagiarism, harassment, etc. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due